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Mayıs 24, 2024
Chiropractic Adjustment – Experienced Chiropractor in Istanbul
Haziran 5, 2024Physiotherapy is a science-based treatment to correct and improve functionality, mobility and quality of life. There is also another goal of physical therapy to identify the psychological effect of injury.disability and illnes on the patients. This will bring a new collaborations with other experts like psychologs , doctors and even family members . That is why physiotherapy is essential and paramount in the multi-disciplinary health systems. Our physiotherapist İstanbul team have many expert and experienced Physical therapist .Therefore you will find adequate and tailored treatments adress your unique needs.
in addition physiotherapists are should be aware and well educated on the psychological effect of diseases on the body as well as effect of kinematics. Because without this knowledge or awareness physioyherapy can not completely overcome the problems by itself . A recent investigations support the idea of physiotherapist should be familiar and combine psychological intervention with therapy techniques. Therefore physical therapy is always change its approaches and increase its validity and effectiveness based to the researches.
Combining a psychological intervention with physiotherapy: A systematic review to determine the effect on physical function and quality of life for adults with chronic pain
Conclusions: There is evidence that combining physiotherapy and psychological approaches improves physical function in chronic pain in comparison with physiotherapy alone.
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thanks to the advance in physiotherapy interventions disability ,pain or diseases are no longer a life issue or difficulty. You can regain your pain free life and join the society independently thanks to our best experienced and talented physiotherapy clinic in istanbul .
we are a professional team who implement Evidence-Based, Effective and Professional approaches in Istanbul Bakirköy ! . if you need and enquired as Physiotherapy Near Me! you could directly contact us via phone number or whatsapp number .
When is physical therapy beneficial? When a physiotherapist can help you? Physio Health and professions Physiotherapist İstanbul
Physiotherapy is extremely beneficial in movement disorders, pain ,congenital diseases, stroke. cardiovascular system impairments, disc herniations , flat neck, back and neck pains , post-surgeries , sport traumas or injuries … etc problems which impact the life quality. Also physical therapy is merit in pain that comes when we lift heavy items or sitting a lot , standing or writing for a long time . Physiotherapist is a expert on the movement system so detecting source of the flaws in the movement by physical examination is essential for treatment. There are some TOO’s those cause pain or injury in movement system that require a treatment by physitherapist. Like overloading something;
- too often
- too strong(loading)
- too quick
- too long
and of course we should not forget the psychological effects which is directly effect the severity of pain. So İf our physiotherapist has linked your issues to stress or psychologic factors then its beneficial to consult with a psycholog. These TOO’s bring injury, methabolic or wear and tear based orthopeadic or cardiovascular or even neurologic problems . Then it cause to have fatigue, pain ,weaknes , stiffnes of muscle, impacted movement kinematics and even the isolation from society. At this point physiotherapy will be life saving and beneficial for your complaints by immidiate solutions and recommedations to increase your life quality.
When do pains disappear after physical therapy? – Physiotherapist Istanbul , Physiotherapy İstanbul
During the physical examination physical therapist determind the cause of pain , existing injury , kinematics that the reason for current issues and impacted movement system. Therefore the physiotherapist decide the appropriate treatment method like manual therapy, PNF, massage therapy, therapeutic exercise, Graston tools, dry needling, chiropractic treatment … etc. By the this individualized and patient tailored treatment methods the body will be adjusted and regulate the blood flow in affected tissues. Beside to those applied manual therapy techniques the importancy of therapeutic exercise can not be underestimated. Therapeutic exercise will help body to maintain and prolonge the effect of manuel therapy . Exercise will encourage the patient to do pain free or less paining movement during the their daily life activities and make them gradually back to work.
The manual therapy or physical therapy sessions duration is vary depending on the issue that individuals suffer from. Generally one session take 45 minute or 1 hour its depend on the patient condition . Pain is generally ease and disappear according to the amount of damaged tissue . The tissue healing take more or less 3-6 weeks so pain generally goes after tissue has healed. But there is a point in some chronic situation pain can persist longer than years even the tissue has completely repaired. It can be because of some other pain drivers like emotional, contextual, environmental and psychological factors. But majority of back pain disappear in 3-4 weeks , tendons repairment take 6-8 months and the pain of frozen shoulder can take even 1 year to be totally eased. As we see the pain is a little bit tricky and complex situation to be controlled or figured out by you alone. So our physiotherapy clinic in Bakirköy istanbul 7/24 open for your questions about tips for releaving your pain and complaints. our experts of physical therapy in istanbul will be happy to be able to help you .
How is physical therapy done? What is done during a physical therapy session? İstanbul Physiotherapy Clinic, Physyotherapist İstanbul
The treatment sessions contains taking the correct history , physical examination , informing the patient about the treatment and applying interventions and recommending adequate therapeutic exercises respectively. so lets properly explain this !
Physiotherapy session once start with detailed physical examination and properly listening the patient story to understand what exactly patient need or cause to lower their quality of life. Then with that obtained data informing the patient about their situation , which treatment methods are adequate to their complaints and what should they do as exercise to fasten the recovery . Here is a imperative point that patient must learn what they should do or not to do during the recovery time in their daily life . This is important as much as treatment because permanent effect of therapy will maintain only that way.
in addition we evaluate patients pain frequency, severity,duration and location in between sessions . That will help us to monitorize the patient progress and it is an effective way to have a nice biofeedback by patient. therefore patient will see the changes that occur on their pain or complaints so they will be more encouraged to back their previous life and desired actitivity level.
What to expect from a good physical therapy session? Physiotherapist near me! Physiotherapist İstanbul
You could expect an effective solution centered treatment from our physiotherapy team in istanbul. Because we combine the approach of ancient Greece philospher Aristotle to modern researches and developments in our sessions .
- Ethos – Gain trust ( of patient)
- Pathos- First seek to understand (to undertand patient)
- Logos – Then to be understood (by patient)
So let’s explain how we use those term in our treatment methods and approaches to solve your complaints.
Physiotherapy session should be patient centered and with the idea of Therapeutic alliance . So once you should expect to be listened well by the terapist during a good physical therapy evaluation. This will bring ETHOS. Regardless of their title (a proffesor or having a high diploma degree) if you noticed that your therapist is not listening or undertanding you, the rest of therapeutic interventions would be just wasting time. By this initial encounter patient decide to trust physotherapist or leave clinic. Gaining patients trust is key to a effective and productive therapeutic alliance therefore if you trust your physical therapist the rest will come in a raw.
The second thing is Pathos .Your therapist should be able to estabilish empathy with you. It is mean the therapist should try to see the things from patients point of view . Then patient will be truly understood and comfortable with their narratives in the physiotherapy clinic.
The third point therapist seek to be understood by the patient (LOGOS). It is mean educating the patient about the prognosis, progression and the treatment of complaints . The physiotherapist will utilize the patients narratives to set up individualized assesment and treatment methods. Education of patient is not just a add to end of session . in contrary its a milestone of therapy as much as listening and understanding the patient. So in a good physiotherapy session the patient will have chance to reflect and narrate their complaints properly without any concern or hesitation..
if you looking or searching for physiotherapist near me or chiropractor near me ? you can directly contact our professional physiotherapy team clinic in Bakırköy, İstanbul to have evidence based treatments or answers related to your health. Therefore you will not spend your time with time consuming treatments or incorrect approaches .
Wish you to having a nice day
Physiotherapist İstanbul